Order Management Automation (English)

Order Management Automation (English)


Transfer protocol: SFTP

Transmission and file naming

EDI format: OpenTrans (XML)

Namespace handling
All documents must use UTF-8 encoding

Partner Integration Testing (PIT) - Help

You can start with the necessary changes and preparations on your site at any time according to the documentation and generic example files.
Automated testing is described here: Partner Integration Testing (PIT) - Help
Proceed as follows for XSD validation:
You may use any XSD validator, however we recommend using the latest Notepad++ version: Downloads | Notepad++

  1. When using Notepad++ make sure to unzip the zip archive. Extract and save both containing XSD files.

  2. Run notepad++.exe and open your response file.

  3. Go to “Plugins” → “Plugins Admin” → select “XML Tools” → “Install”:

  4. “Validate now” with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M and select the opentrans xsd file:

    Namespace URI: http://www.opentrans.org/XMLSchema/2.1

  5. Any errors will be highlighted and should be fixed. You may use the table element descriptions and sample files to resolve possible differences and errors.

  6. At the end, the validation should detect no errors:

Diagrams 1 and 2 show the entire process flow.

  • The basic documents form the basis of automated order managment and should always be implemented as a first step.

  • The optional documents can be automated as required or processed manually via WebEDI (CMI).

Detailed process: