Transmission and file naming
Username and password will be provided at the beginning of the project
Hostname | |
Protocol | SFTP |
IP address | |
Port | 22 |
After a successful download/import, messages must be deleted from the FTP
To avoid data loss in case of connection problems, the sender should check the successful upload and retransmit automatically if necessary
FTP folder structure
Test | |
dg2partner (IN) | s |
partner2dg (OUT) | s |
Live | |
dg2partner (IN) | s |
partner2dg (OUT) | s |
Galaxus -> Partner (dg2partner)
GORDP_<SupplierId>_<OrderId>.xml | |
GCANP_<SupplierId>_<OrderId>_<Timestamp>.xml | |
GRETP_<SupplierId>_<OrderId>_<Timestamp>.xml |
Partner -> Galaxus (partner2dg)
GORDR_<SupplierId>_<OrderId>_<*>_<Timestamp>.xml | |
GDELR_<SupplierId>_<OrderId>_<*>_<Timestamp>.xml | |
GCANR_<SupplierId>_<OrderId>_<*>_<Timestamp>.xml | |
GEOLN_<SupplierId>_<OrderId>_<*>_<Timestamp>.xml | |
GINVO_<SupplierId>_<OrderId>_<*>_<Timestamp>.xml | |
<OrderId>_<InvoiceNoPartner>_<TrackingNo>.pdf | |
GSURN_<SupplierId>_<OrderId>_<*>_<Timestamp>.xml |
The first characters correspond to the message designation, followed by an underscore:
<MessageType>: e.g. GDELR (Must)
<SupplierId>: Your Digitec Galaxus customer number - is also sent in the GORDP as supplier PARTY_ID, as well as in the file name (Should *)
* = Must, if the same FTP account and folder is used for CH and EU<OrderId>: Order number from Digitec Galaxus (Should)
<*>: Your document number (Should)
<InvoiceNoPartner>: Your invoice number (mandatory for export invoices)
<Timestamp>: Timestamp (Should)