Description | Data type | Explanation | Format |
Boolean | dtBOOLEAN | The specification of the values "true" or "false" is not case-sensitive. Sample values: TRUE, true, True | |
Positive Integer | dtCOUNT | No fractions. No floating point numbers. No negative numbers. "0" is permitted. No separator is allowed to delimit digits of 1000. Sample values: 0,1, 2 | |
Date and time | dtDATETIME | Date and optional time Sample values: We always specify our dates without time zone as follows: 2005-03-27T08:10:30 - Our orders always correspond to Central European Time (CET). | jjjj-mm-tt-Thh:mm:ss+zz:00 |
Float | dtFLOAT | Floating point number in 64-bit according to IEEE Standard 754 Decimal separator is the dot. No separator is allowed to delimit digits of 1000. Sample values: 15.4, 4164.750 | |
Integer | dtINTEGER | Integer with optional sign. No fractions. No floating point numbers. No separator is allowed to delimit digits of 1000. Sample values: 1, 58502 | |
Multilingual string | dtMLSTRING | This data type differs from the data type dtSTRING only by the additional attribute "lang", which it adds to the elements of the data type dtMLSTRING. The attribute "lang" can be used to specify the language of the text of the element. The language is specified in the attribute "lang" coded according to the data type dtLANG. In this way, several languages can be specified simultaneously in one document. | |
Numeric value | dtNUMBER | To be used when a more specific numeric format is not needed or is not practical. There is no restriction on minimum and maximum values, number of digits or number of decimal places. The decimal separator is the dot. No separator is allowed to delimit 1000s of digits. Sample values: 15, 3.14 | |
String | dtSTRING | Character string according to the encoding standard specified in the document. Digitec Galaxus uses UTF-8 throughout. Sample values: Text, <b>text</b> |
Description | Data type | Explanation | Format |
Binary coded data | base64Binary | This data type is used to transport a file in coded form within the XML file. The file is not linked, but is contained in the XML document. The file must be encoded in the 'base64' procedure. Further information on the base64 encoding method can be found at The data type base64Binary is provided by the W3C. Additional information on embedding files in XML can be found at | |
Country codes | dtCOUNTRIES | Country codes to indicate areas of availability (TERRITORY) according to ISO 3166 ( a further subdivision of country codes, for example according to regions, the "Country Subdivision Codes" can be used. Sample values: | max. 6 characters |
Currency codes | dtCURRENCIES | Currency codes to indicate currencies according to ISO 4217 ( Sample values: | exactly 3 characters |
Language codes | dtLANG | Language codes to indicate the language used in texts or in images according to ISO 639 ( Sample values: | exactly 3 characters |
Order unit codes | dtPUNIT | This enumeration contains the permissible order units Sample values: | exactly 3 characters |
Special datatypes
Description | Data type | Explanation | Format |
Extensions header | udxHEADER | This data type is defined empty and is used to define user-defined non-openTRANS elements for the header. | |
Extensions position level | udxITEM | This data type is defined empty and is used to define user-defined non-openTRANS elements for item-level description. |