Catalogue - Marketplace

Catalogue - Marketplace


On the welcome page under Catalogue you will find all the information about your imported products.

If you have any questions about how to use this area, please contact your Portfolio Development Manager.

This area is still under development and will be continuously expanded with additional information.


In the Feeds section, we document the status of the data import of your feeds. Information such as the current import status, the last successful data import, the file name and the number of data records can be viewed in this area.



The file is imported without errors.

We have an internal error and will take care of it immediately.

The file has an import error.


If we are unable to import your feed due to technical difficulties, this information will be displayed on the welcome page.




Resolve issue

The recommended actions under "Resolve issue" show you what you can do to solve the problem yourself.

These instructions provide you with comprehensive information on what to do. However, should you encounter any difficulties, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the contact person listed.



No errors

If your file is imported without errors, no recommendations for action will appear. However, you will receive an insight into the last successful import.




Errors that have an impact on your prices or product availability are labelled with the "High priority" symbol. These should be rectified as quickly as possible, as otherwise incorrect orders or pricing errors may occur.

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