8 Troubleshooting for active datafeeds

8 Troubleshooting for active datafeeds


Digitec Galaxus continuously checks the received data for structural and technical correctness according to the defined parameters in this documentation. All error messages are sent back to the partner as an automated e-mail in English. The e-mail contains a detailed error description and possible solutions.

We report 2 types of errors back to our partner.

  1. Import Error → These are structural errors in the file or major changes in the file size, which prevent a successful import on our side. We are thus unable to use the complete data until the error is fixed. Accordingly, these errors have a HIGH PRIORITY .

  2. Validation Error → These are content errors in the file, which prevent us from processing individual data rows (records per ProviderKey) of the imported file. In most cases, a large part of the data can be used despite the error. Validation errors have a low priority.

We expect a direct solution of the errors. If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to the corresponding mail.

In the following the possible errors are presented as well as recommendations for action.


After modifying the data, you can check the feed yourself to avoid further errors. For this purpose we provide our feed checker. In chapter 7 you will find all details as well as detailed instructions.

7 Feedchecker for Partners

All information about customizing manual feeds can be found in the following chapter:

4 Data Transmission

Are you using an official Plugins & Middlewares (English) and have structural errors (Import Errors)?

Report immediately to the contacts in the mail.



Following a list of all import problems which are communicated by us with German explanation.

In the mail several errors can be communicated at the same time. This can also concern several files/feeds.

Example of an import error mail

File name/location: Price_DG_CH/StockData_Supplier.csv

File content: Stock → Affected feed/file

Error date: 2025-04-10 11:07:58 → ErrorDate

Error type: Csv could not be parsed → Import Error

Error message: → Description of import error

Csv could not be parsed (at line #6877): The CSV appears to be corrupt near record '6889' field '2259 at position '2259'.

possible resolution step(s): → Description Suggested solution

Please check the structural integrity and the formatting of your file, to see if it follows our PDI 4.0 guideline..

Mail sender: pdi@digitecgalaxus.ch

Subject: Import Error(s) - Partner

Error Message

Import error in German

Suggested solution

Error Message

Import error in German

Suggested solution

Csv could not be parsed (at content line #XXX, file line #XXX)

Csv could not be masked (at line #xxx)

We received a warning from our system that your file could not be parsed. Please check the structural integrity and formatting of your file to see if it meets our PDI 4.0 policy.

For descriptions and product titles, it is especially important that they are enclosed in quotes as they may contain characters that also act as delimiters (semicolons, commas, pipes) and/or line breaks that, if unmasked, will prevent import.

Below is an example of how to properly mask INCH characters from your product data to avoid parsing errors.

longDescription_en: " TV with size 46"" and stand with white inscription ""Kings of E-Commerce"".

Our Feedchecker app will show you in which line the parsing error occurred and give a description of the cause of the problem. If you have further questions, please contact the person in the CC of this email.

Once the file is adjusted, the import of the data will continue.

Configured ProviderKey header 'ProviderKey' and XXX other are missing in file

Configured ProviderKey header 'ProviderKey' and XXX other are missing in file

We have received a warning from our system that the column headers of your feed are missing in the last scanned version of the file. Please check if you:

  • Renamed the column header(s)

  • Removed column(s) completely

  • Removed header(s) or

  • Adjusted separators in the file.

If you have intentionally changed the file, please let us know by contacting the person in the CC of the email so we can adjust the change in our system as well.

Please do not attempt to make such changes to your files, as any changes will cause the import of the data to stop and we will not have the latest data on your products.

Once the file is adjusted, the data import will continue.

This file is not sorted by provider key

This file is not sorted by provider key

We have received a warning from our system that the specification file is not sorted by ProviderKey.

Please check the file and make sure that it is sorted by ProviderKey.

Also check if there are duplicate ProviderKeys in the file itself. If so, remove them from the SpecificationFile.

Once the file is adjusted, the import of the data will continue. If you have any further questions, please contact the person in the CC of the e-mail.

The file is missing columns: SpecificationKey, SpecificationValue, ProviderKey.

The file is missing columns: SpecificationKey, SpecificationValue, ProviderKey.

We have received a warning from our system that the columns in the specification file are not named according to our guide.

Please check the column header(s) and enter the following names for the columns: ProviderKey, SpecificationKey, SpecificationValue

All information about the specification file can be found in File Format.

Once the file is customized, the import of the data will continue. If you have any further questions about this error, please contact the person mentioned in the mail.

File could not be read as xml!

File could not be read as xml!

We have received a warning from our system that the XML file cannot be read.

Please check the file for structure and character errors and adjust the file. Let us know as soon as the file is adjusted so that we can adjust it in our system as well and proceed with the import.

Once the file is adjusted, the import of the data will continue.

Can not read Excel file!

Excel file cannot be read!

We have received a warning from our system that your Excel file cannot be read.

Please check the following points:

  • Did you change the format to CSV? If so, you should always tell us beforehand so that we can adjust it in our system.

  • Does the Excel file contain more than one table? If yes, all tables except the main one should be deleted.

  • Did you make any structural changes to the file? Please save a new file on the FTP server.

You can find all information about the data format in our PDI 4.0 guide.

Once the file is adjusted, the import of the data will continue. If you have further questions about the error, please contact the person in the CC of the e-mail.



We have received a warning from our system that your file cannot be found.

Please check if your current file is available on the FTP server.

If you have changed the name of the file, please change it back according to our PDI 4.0 guide.

Once the file is adjusted, the import of the data will continue. If you have any further questions about the error, please contact the person listed in the CC of the email.



We have received a warning from our system that the size of your file is zero. Please check if the latest version of your file is available on the FTP server and if it is not empty.

Once everything is adjusted, the import of the data will continue. If you have any further questions about the error, please contact the person listed in the CC of the e-mail.



We have received a warning from our system that access to your file has been denied.

Please check if our IP address has been blacklisted on your end: If so, please whitelist again.

If you have further questions about the error, please contact the person in the CC of the email.

EndpointNotAvailable: This user is not allowed to connect from this IP

EndpointNotAvailable: This user is not allowed to connect from this IP

We have received a warning from our system that access to your file has been denied.

Please check if our IP address has been blacklisted on your end: If yes, please whitelist again.

If you have further questions about the error, please contact the person in the CC of the email.

File contains duplicated headers

File contains duplicated headers

We have received a warning from our system that the current version of your file contains duplicate headers. Please check the file and remove or correct all duplicate headers.

Once everything is adjusted, the import of the data will continue. If you have any further questions about the error, please contact the person listed in the CC of the e-mail.


Below is a list of all validation issues we communicate with German explanation. Each validation error refers to an article number. Accordingly, several errors can be communicated at the same time. You can see them in the exact list in the attachment of the mail.

Example of a validation error mail


Mail sender: pdi@digitecgalaxus.ch

Subject: Validation Errors Digitec Galaxus (Patner)

Error message (Description)

Possible cause of error

Possible solution

Error message (Description)

Possible cause of error

Possible solution

ProviderKey appears multiple times in file!

Article number appears multiple times in the file

There are several identical rows in

the file. These rows have identical

provider keys and identical product

data; pricing data; stock data and

media data.

Identical article (whole row incl. ProviderKey) occurs several times in the file

Please check both the validation log and your file. As soon as you found the duplicate ProviderKey (your item no.) in your file, please remove the whole line(s), so that you are left with unique lines with unique ProviderKey's only.






ProviderKeyB incl. identical data are transmitted several times

There are several rows in the file,

which have identical provider keys,

albeit with different pricing data,

stock data, product data or media


Please check the validation log thoroughly and look for the mentioned duplicate ProviderKey (your Art-No.) in the affected rows.

Then check if the supplied data is correct and if it is possible

to give each row a unique ProviderKey. If this is not possible, please remove all the lines with the duplicate ProviderKey until you can use the data. If you fail to do this, our system might create incorrect quotes or prevent it from creating products.

Provided value contains following disallowed characters: {invalidChars}

The provider key is present in the file, but you are still getting this error message. Other data is also present alongside the provider key.

This error usually happens when a letter/symbol in the provider key is not within the ASCII 32-126 format. Hence, our system cannot validate the value of the provider key and therefore it returns a validation error for the entire row.

Some examples of characters that are not allowed: umlaut characters - ä, ö, ü, letters such as č, š, đ, ø, ñ or Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic script and similar.


Please correct the provider key with letters/symbols from the ASCII 32-126 Format. This is an external website with a guide to the ASCII table: ASCII table - Table of ASCII codes, characters and symbols

Provider Key not found

The affected rows have no provider key, but instead, they are notes, comments, intentional or accidental empty rows due to formatting errors or design choices (in excel, csv)

This error happens, when the file has accidental or intentional empty rows, or rows that are comments, notes or formatting errors.

Please inspect the entire file and remove any hidden rows, comments, notes and please fix formatting issues like hidden rows in excel.

The hidden rows in excel will sometimes turn into import errors in the case that the excel file is converted into a csv file, as the hidden rows might ruin the parsing of the file. Import errors are failures of the import of the entire file and not just one row of data.

The provider key is indeed missing, but other data is present

Please fill the missing provider key value into the affected row or delete the row, until you have a ready to use provider key.

No values except ProvideyKey


The affected row has only a provider

key, while other data is missing.

Please fill in the rest of the missing data or remove the whole row if there is no other data. Other data besides the ProviderKey can be added.

The affected row has a provider key

and other data alongside the provider

key, but the error message still


This validation error usually occurs when additional data beside the provider key is ignored by our validation and only the provider key remains as valid data in the whole row. The file usually has only 2 or 3 columns per row.

Please note that depending on the attribute different values are accepted like integer, decimal or boolean's.


TypedSpecificationLine without a de key.

(Key-Value Specifications File)

The specification key is missing in

the affected row.

If you have rows that do not have specification keys (and/or specification values), please fill in the keys or remove these rows from the file as they cause validation errors.

Specification key is present in the

affected row, but it is not listed under

the German specification key column.

If you already provide the correct data in a specification file with multiple language variants of specification key and values, but under the wrong column headings (under a specification key for a language other than German), please correct the specification key headings or list the specifications under the German specification key and value column if they are indeed German.

If there is no German Key-Value specification pair, adding the German equivalent would be a great addition to the data quality of a product.

The parsed value must not exceed 200 characters (Specification Key - Miniinterface)

Specification key exceeds 200 characters.

Please check if the specification key has more than 200 characters and if yes, please trim the value down, as the value will get ignored, if it above 200 characters. You can use this free character counting online tool: Character Counter - WordCounter.net

The parsed value must not be empty or null. (Specification Key - Miniinterface)

The specification key is missing in the affected row, but the provider key and specification value are present.

If you have rows, which have no specification keys (but have specification values and provider keys) in them, please fill the keys in or remove these rows from the file, as they will cause validation errors.

Example of a file with validation errors:

ProviderKeyA;Color;Red → No error
ProviderKeyC;;Blue → validation error

The parsed value must not be empty or null. (Specification Key - Miniinterface)

The specification key is missing in the affected row, but the provider key and specification value are present.

If you have rows, which have no specification keys (but have specification values and provider keys) in them, please fill the keys in or remove these rows from the file, as they will cause validation errors.

Example of a file with validation errors:

ProviderKeyA;Color;Red → No error
ProviderKeyC;;Blue → validation error

The parsed value must not exceed 200 characters. (Specification value - Miniinterface)

The specification value is present alongside the provider key and the specification key, but you are still getting this error message.

Please check if the specification value has more than 200 characters and if yes, please trim the value down, as the value will get ignored, if it above 200 characters. You can use this free character counting online tool: Character Counter - WordCounter.net