File Format

File Format




Exception/ Remark / Example

File format



Other formats possible in consultation but not recommended

File name

  • File names for initial configuration - without spaces / special characters / umlaut.

  • File names for file updates - the files must be replaced by the old files for each transmission and have exactly the same file names as the previous ones.


  • ProductData_DigitecGalaxus.csv

  • PriceData_DigitecGalaxus.xlsx

Character coding



Other character codes possible in consultation but not recommended


; (Semicolon)


Other limit signs possible in consultation


Header with column designation is mandatory

  • Duplicates are not allowed for column names

  • Column name must be present

  • Column names must not contain line breaks


Decimal places must be separated with a . (dot) or , (comma).

  • Example - VatRatePercentage: 8.1

  • Thousands separators are not allowed: 1000 or 1',00

  • Comma must not be used if the separator in the CSV is also a comma

Text / Parsing

Strings (data type: text) must be enclosed in inverted commas (").


In the case of descriptions and product data, it is particularly important that these are enclosed in inverted commas because they can contain the characters that also act as separators (semicolon, comma, pipe) and/or line breaks which, if unmasked, prevent the import.

In the example, you can see the correct masking of inches, as well as the masking of the inverted commas that appear in the texts.

LongDescription_en: "TV with size 46"" and stand with white label ""Kings of E-Commerce""


The structuring of the data within the text file must be observed.

  • The data to be read in is in the first sheet tab and there are no hidden sheet tabs

  • Completely empty lines or notes in the file should be avoided if possible.

Scientific notations

Scientific notations are not allowed


Often csv files are opened and saved in Excel. This process changes the structure of the numbers contained in the file. Information such as Gtin, item number and others become unusable as a result. See example:

Number format


  • ·Cells with numeric values may only be in standard or number format. Other formats, such as accounting or user-defined, are not allowed

  • Excel deletes leading zeros from numbers, which can lead to problems, especially with article numbers or GTINs. In such a case, the partner should format the affected column as text.


Option 1: YYYY-MM-DD

Option 2: DD.MM.YYYY

  • One-digit days/months must be supplemented with a leading zero, e.g. 2020-07-01 or 01.07.2020.

  • Separators are to be used according to the formats.