Main function
Transmission of the order.
Info |
Warehouse locations incl. GLN |
Info |
Link example files for direct deliveries to end customers and warehouse deliveries |
XML Element | M/C/S | Sample values | Data type [maxLength] | Description | |||||
ORDER | Must | - | - | See Namespaces regarding the correct usage of namespaces. | |||||
. ORDER_HEADER | Must | - | - | ||||||
. . CONTROL_INFO | Must | - | - | ||||||
. . . GENERATION_DATE | Must | 2017-09-22T15:42:57 | dtDATETIME | Order placement date | |||||
. . ORDER_INFO | Must | - | - | ||||||
. . . ORDER_ID | Must | 9316271 | dtSTRING[25] | Galaxus purchase order ID | |||||
. . . ORDER_DATE | Must | 2017-09-22T15:30:33 | dtDATETIME | Date of order entry at Digitec Galaxus | |||||
. . . LANGUAGE | Must | ger, eng, fra, ita | dtLANG BMEcat NS | Language of end customer according to ISO-639-2/B, must be used on paper delivery notes and in RESPONSECOMMENTs. | |||||
. . . PARTIES | Must | - | - | ||||||
. . . . PARTY | Must | - | - | ||||||
. . . . . PARTY_ID | Must | 2045638, 7640151820008 CH, DE, AT (marketplace) | dtSTRING[250] BMEcat NS | type="buyer_specific" is the Galaxus internal customer ID (except with the PARTY_ROLE = marketplace where this value can be customized) type="gln" ist the GLN number (also known as ILN) of the commercial register address or of the warehouse address. Only transmitted if available. Warehouse deliveries Direct deliveries (dealer & supplier) | |||||
. . . . . PARTY_ROLE | Must | buyer, supplier, delivery, marketplace | dtSTRING[20] | buyer For suppliers, the buyer is always Digitec Galaxus AG | |||||
. . . . . ADDRESS | Must | - | - |
| |||||
. . . . . . NAME | Can * | Mustermann GmbH | dtMLSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | Company name For EU-Hub partners with the PARTY_ROLE = delivery, always Galaxus Deutschland GmbH is transmitted (also for private customers) | |||||
. . . . . . NAME2 | Can | Ulla Mustermann | dtMLSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | For the attention of | |||||
. . . . . . NAME3 | Can | Block A | dtMLSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | Building | |||||
. . . . . . DEPARTMENT | Can | Accounting | dtMLSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | Department | |||||
. . . . . . CONTACT_DETAILS | Can | - | - | ||||||
. . . . . . . TITLE | Can | Mr., Ms. | dtMLSTRING[20] BMEcat NS | Salutation (depending on the language of the customer) | |||||
. . . . . . . FIRST_NAME | Can * | Ulla | dtMLSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | First name | |||||
. . . . . . . CONTACT_NAME | Can * | Mustermann | dtMLSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | Last name | |||||
. . . . . . STREET | Can | Musterstrasse 200b | dtMLSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | Street and house number | |||||
. . . . . . ZIP | Must | 8000 | dtMLSTRING[20] BMEcat NS | ZIP code | |||||
. . . . . . BOXNO | Can | 7 | dtMLSTRING[20] BMEcat NS | P.O. box number (the text P.O. box must be added to the address label) | |||||
. . . . . . CITY | Must | Zürich | dtMLSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | City | |||||
. . . . . . COUNTRY | Must | Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein, Österreich | dtMLSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | Country (transmitted in German only) | |||||
. . . . . . COUNTRY_CODED | Must | CH, DE, LI, AT | dtCOUNTRIES BMEcat NS | Country code according ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 | |||||
. . . . . . PHONE | Can | 0448447700 | dtMLSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | Phone number | |||||
Must | dtSTRING[255] BMEcat NS | Galaxus Email Address (hardcoded)
| |||||||
. . . . . . VAT_ID | Can | CHE-109.049.266 | dtMLSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | VAT number (currently only for supplier orders the VAT_ID of our commercial register address is transmitted in the PARTY_ROLE=buyer) | |||||
. . . CUSTOMER_ORDER_REFERENCE | Can | - | - | Only transmitted for direct deliveries to end customers | |||||
. . . . ORDER_ID | Can | 10515922 | dtSTRING[250] | End customer Galaxus order number. | |||||
. . . ORDER_PARTIES_REFERENCE | Must | - | - | ||||||
. . . . BUYER_IDREF | Must | 2045638 | dtSTRING[250] BMEcat NS | Galaxus internal customer ID | |||||
. . . . SUPPLIER_IDREF | Must | 1928008 | dtSTRING[250] BMEcat NS | Galaxus internal partner ID | |||||
. . . CURRENCY | Must | CHF, EUR | dtCURRENCIES BMEcat NS | Transaction currency according to ISO 4217:1995 | |||||
. . . HEADER_UDX | Must | - | udxHEADER | ||||||
. . . . UDX.DG.CUSTOMER_TYPE | Must | private_customer | dtSTRING[250] | private_customer | |||||
. . . . UDX.DG.DELIVERY_TYPE | Must | direct_delivery | dtSTRING[250] | direct_delivery | |||||
. . . . UDX.DG.SATURDAY_DELIVERY_ALLOWED | Can | true, false | dtBOOLEAN | Only transmitted with direct_delivery. For orders in the EU is always transmitted false. Therefore, please ignore and perform the package delivery from Monday to Saturday. | |||||
. . . . UDX.DG.IS_COLLECTIVE_ORDER | Must | true, false | dtBOOLEAN | true = Collective order | |||||
. . . . UDX.DG.END_CUSTOMER_ORDER_REFERENCE | Can | A362799 | dtSTRING[150] | Order reference of business end customers (max. 150 characters). | |||||
. . . . UDX.DG.PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_NOTE_REQUIRED | Must | false, true | dtBOOLEAN | true = Delivery must contain a paper delivery note If this cannot be distinguished, a delivery note must be included in each package. | |||||
. ORDER_ITEM_LIST | Must | - | - |
| |||||
. . ORDER_ITEM | Must | - | - | ||||||
. . . LINE_ITEM_ID | Must | 1 | dtSTRING[50] | Continuous document line numbering, starting at «1». Is not needed in the answer documents. | |||||
. . . PRODUCT_ID | Must | - | - | At least 2 of the following 3 IDs will be sent | |||||
. . . . SUPPLIER_PID | Must | A375-129 | dtSTRING[32] BMEcat NS | Partner product key | |||||
. . . . INTERNATIONAL_PID | Can | 09783404175109 | dtSTRING[14] BMEcat NS | GTIN-14 with leading zeros - is only transmitted if also included in the product data feed
| |||||
. . . . BUYER_PID | Must | 6406567 | dtSTRING[50] BMEcat NS | Galaxus product key | |||||
. . . . DESCRIPTION_SHORT | Must | Fingerring, Herr der Ringe | dtMLSTRING[150] BMEcat NS | Galaxus internal product name (without brand) | |||||
. . . QUANTITY | Must | 2 | dtNUMBER | Item position quantity | |||||
. . . ORDER_UNIT | Must | C62 | dtPUNIT[2] BMEcat NS | Always C62 (hardcoded), unit = piece | |||||
. . . PRODUCT_PRICE_FIX | Must | - | - | ||||||
. . . . PRICE_AMOUNT | Must | 12.59 | dtNUMBER BMEcat NS | Unit price excl. VAT | |||||
. . . . TAX_DETAILS_FIX | Must | - | - | ||||||
. . . . . TAX_AMOUNT | Must | 0.97 | dtNUMBER | VAT amount | |||||
. . . PRICE_LINE_AMOUNT | Must | 25.18 | dtNUMBER | Unit Price excl. VAT * quantity | |||||
. . . DELIVERY_DATE | Can | - | - | Latest delivery date according to calculated standard delivery time type="optional" (default): Always fastest possible delivery until this date | |||||
. . . . DELIVERY_START_DATE | Can | 2020-11-30T00:00:00 | dtDATETIME | Latest arrival date | |||||
. . . . DELIVERY_END_DATE | Can | 2020-11-30T00:00:00 | dtDATETIME | Same value as in DELIVERY_START_DATE | |||||
. ORDER_SUMMARY | Must | - | - | ||||||
. . TOTAL_ITEM_NUM | Must | 2 | dtCOUNT | Sum of all QUANTITYs | |||||
. . TOTAL_AMOUNT | Must | 25.18 | dtNUMBER | Sum of all PRICE_LINE_AMOUNTs excl. VAT |