What product compliance requirements must I meet as a supplier?

What product compliance requirements must I meet as a supplier?



This section applies to Digitec Galaxus and Galaxus Deutschland AG partners.


Product compliance means that products comply with the applicable rules according to laws, guidelines or own standards. Product compliance can save time, reduce costs and minimise risks for the company and the customer. The following list is therefore a guide to meet our restrictions in our product range. These are not exhaustive.

Notes due to the group requirements of the Migros Group

Flowers & Plants

Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) applies to flowers and plants. This standard covers aspects such as food safety, environmental protection and animal welfare. Products in the range are checked annually for compliance with the standard.


In the Migros Group, only products made from down that originates from dead plucking are offered. Appropriate proof / confirmation (e.g. Responsible Down Standard (RDS)) must be provided in this regard. This applies, for example, to down jackets or blankets.

Egg components

Egg components in products must at least come from barn-raised hens. Cage rearing is prohibited in Switzerland. This is applied throughout the Group. Example products: Mayonnaise.


Products with fish may only contain fish species that do not belong to an endangered species. Products that are included in the range are checked annually. Products with fish that belong to an endangered species are excluded from the range as soon as they are known. Examples are: Canned fish.

Foie gras

As the force-feeding of geese and ducks is an animal-cruel procedure, no foie gras products are offered via our platform.

Frog legs

Since all European amphibian species are protected, nor is it allowed to trade in the animals, the frogs' legs on offer come from abroad. The frogs' legs are torn out or cut off without anaesthesia. You are therefore requested not to send us any such offers.


As part of the Migros Group, we do not offer any products made of real fur or with real fur components. Exceptions are skins from domesticated animals of the horse, cattle, pig, sheep and goat species as well as llamas & alpacas. This must be noted in the product feed. This affects, for example, jackets with fur trim.

Genetically modified food

The food industry often uses ingredients from plants that have been genetically modified (maize, soybeans & rapeseed). We do not offer any food that has been genetically modified.


No invasive plants (e.g. cherry laurel) are offered through Migros Group sales channels.


Peat is used in many plant soils. However, peat extraction destroys the habitats of many plants and animals. There is therefore a ban on peat sales in the Migros Group. Peat is used in plant soils, for example.


Especially in New Zealand and Australia, mulesing is used on sheep to prevent infestations of fly maggots. This is done without the use of painkillers. For this reason, we do not offer any products made of wool for which the mulesing process has been used. This is used, for example, for wool socks or hats.

Information regarding Product Legal Regulations Digitec Galaxus CH


In the case of alcoholic products, the alcohol content must be indicated. Import of wine and beer by Digitec Galaxus AG is not possible.

Pharmaceuticals / Medical Devices

Since Galaxus AG isn’t licensed as a pharmacy, only (over-the-counter) drugs of category E are offered in Switzerland. We also do not offer veterinary medicines due to the lack of licences. Due to the different categorisation in Switzerland and the EU, only category E products from Switzerland are offered.
When transferring medical products, it is important to note that all information in the online shop, on the product, and on the product insert is available in three official languages (German, French, and Italian). The Digitec Galaxus platform only offers products from Switzerland.

Baby Food

The labelling of infant formulae or follow-on formulae in a manner that might discourage breastfeeding is prohibited. Pictures of infants, other images, or wording that might idealise the use of these foods shall also be prohibited. The use of terms such as «humanised», «materialised» or «adapted» is prohibited.

Bamboo Plastic Commodity

Since July 2021, there is a sales ban in Switzerland for bamboo plastic commodities (articles that come into contact with food) such as cups, plates or cutlery. Due to this, we ask you to refrain from making such offers. Bamboo articles in which the structure of the bamboo is recognisable ("pure bamboo") are still permitted.

Biocidal Products and Plant Protection Products

Biocidal products and plant protection products must be labelled with the obligatory product information: «Use biocides or plant protection products with care. Always read the label and product information before use.» Digitec Galaxus only offers biocides and plant protection products approved in Switzerland.

Biocidal treatment

A biocide-treated product may be treated with or contain one or more biocidal products to protect against infestation with microorganisms, insects, or other harmful organisms. Such products must indicate their biocidal properties (for example, odour-inhibiting effect) as well as the name of the corresponding active substance (e.g. silver) in their product description. Examples of «treated goods» are sportswear with sweat protection or a keyboard with a germicidal coating.

Cannabidiol (CBD)

Since, according to the current legal regulations, CBD oil can only be offered with denaturant (not approved as food), we have decided not to offer CBD oils.


Chemicals must be declared according to the GHS labelling system (Globally Harmonized System), in accordance with the Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 applicable to Switzerland. No products are accepted that are labelled according to a predecessor or other system. The import of chemicals not authorised in Switzerland is not permitted. Products of group 2 of the chemicals are only carried in the assortment of Digitec Galaxus AG under strict examination. It is therefore forbidden for the supplier to transfer products with the following H-phrases in combination with the respective hazard pictograms to Digitec Galaxus AG, without further ado:

Electrical safety

If the devices originate from the EU, our logistics department will check the electrical connection in the case of a warehouse delivery and configure a suitable fixed adapter or Swiss mains cable for Switzerland. Products with British connections or electrical connections that are common outside of Europe cannot be offered because there are no suitable fixed adapters. Travel adapters (or re-detachable adapters) are not permitted in Switzerland. Please also note that products over 2,300 watts cannot be offered with a fixed adapter in Switzerland. Offering such products is associated with corresponding fines from the Swiss Federal Inspectorate for Heavy Current Installations.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency in Switzerland and the EU is regulated in accordance with Directive 2010/30/EC. Accordingly, the following product categories must have an energy efficiency class and a corresponding energy label:

  • Ovens

  • Extractor hoods

  • Television sets and monitors

  • Dishwashers

  • Heaters

  • Coffee machines (are subject to energy labelling in Switzerland, in contrast to EU regulation)

  • Refrigerators and freezers

  • Lamps and light bulbs

  • Ventilation systems

  • Washing machines

  • Tumble dryers, tumble dryers, and combination units


Due to the regulations concerning storage, transport, and sale of fireworks, Digitec Galaxus AG has no fireworks in its product range.

Products with gas connections

Digitec Galaxus only offers gas barbecues from Switzerland, as there is no international standard for the connections.

Laser Pointer

The import, as well as the sale of dangerous laser pointers into Switzerland, is prohibited. A dangerous laser pointer is a laser device which, due to its size and weight, can be hand-held and hand-guided and which emits laser radiation for pointing (e.g. stylus, presenter), amusement (e.g. cat toy), as well as deterrence and defence purposes (e.g. use of repellents or personal protection devices).


In the case of food offered online, all information required by food law must be provided (Art. 44 of the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance), which are:

  • Article description

  • List of ingredients

  • Allergen declaration (allergens are written in capital letters)

  • Mandatory nutrition labelling and nutritional values:

    • Fat, of which: - saturated fatty acids

    • Carbohydrates, of which: - sugar

    • Protein

    • Salt

  • Contact address of the responsible company or online shop

  • Country of production

Example «Chocolate sticks with Kirsch filling (30%)»

  • Description: Cherry sticks with Kirsch filling (30%)

  • Product image:

  • List of ingredients: Sugar, cocoa mass, Kirsch(12%), cocoa butter, low-fat cocoa powder, CLARIFIED BUTTER, SKIMMED MILK POWDER, gelling agent (gum arabic), emulsifier (SOJALECITHIN), flavouring. May contain WHEAT, HAZELNUTS, ALMONDS and other SHELL FRUITS. Chocolate contains: Cocoa: 49% minimum.

  • Mandatory nutrition labelling and nutritional values:

    • Fat, of which: - saturated fatty acids

    • Carbohydrates, of which: - sugar

    • Protein

    • Salt (not for baby food)

Fig. 1 Example of the nutritional value table
  • Contact address and country of production: Made in Switzerland by: Lindt & Sprüngli (Switzerland) AG, CH-8802 Kilchberg

The ingredients and allergens (in CAPITAL LETTERS) must be provided in text form for the free text field for food information. Corresponding properties exist for the nutritional values.

Precious woods

Precious woods such as rosewood, rosewood, mahogany, sandalwood, cedar and yew are CITES protected species and are subject to special import regulations. As a supplier from the EU, we ask that you do not send us any such products.

Solid wood / products under the Timber Trade Ordinance (HHV)

In order to increase transparency for customers and to influence their conscious decision to purchase, a declaration obligation applies in Switzerland for round and raw wood as well as certain wood products made of solid wood.

The following products are subject to declaration:

  • Wood for walking sticks, umbrellas, tool handles and sticks.

  • Charcoal

  • Wooden frames for pictures, photographs, mirrors or similar objects

  • Seating and other furniture with main components made of solid wood (but not sofas with solid wood legs!)
    solid wood legs!)

  • Other furniture with main components made of solid wood

This product information shall be provided in the properties:

  • The trade name

  • The origin of the wood

These properties must also be observed for wood and paper products that fall under the HHV. All information on the declaration obligation for wood and wood products as well as the Wood Trade Ordinance are also listed in the BFK and bafu guidelines.

Food supplements

  • Advertising: Labelling, presentation, and advertising stating that food supplements are necessary for a balanced, varied diet is not permitted.

  • Permitted maximum amounts: In Switzerland, maximum levels apply for vitamins and minerals. These are listed in the FDHA Ordinance on Food Supplements. The relevant regulations valid in this country may differ from foreign regulations.

  • The content of vitamins and minerals must be sent to us as a picture. 


Digitec Galaxus does not sell weapons. Furthermore, we reserve the right to exclude weapon-like items or dangerous items from our range for ethical reasons.

Information regarding Product Legal Regulations Galaxus EU Shops


We do not offer alcoholic drinks.

Pharmaceuticals / Medical Devices

Currently no offer of medicines & medical devices via suppliers.

Bamboo Plastic Commodity

There is a sales ban on bamboo plastic commodities (items that come into contact with food) such as cups, plates or cutlery. Due to this, we ask you to refrain from making corresponding offers. However, bamboo articles in which the structure of the bamboo is recognisable ("pure bamboo") are permitted.

Biocidal Products and Plant Protection Products

Biocidal products must be labelled with the obligatory product note: "Use biocides with care. Always read the label and product information before use." Galaxus only offers biocides approved in the EU. We do not sell plant protection products, as the legal requirements for dispensing cannot be met.

Biocidal treatment

A biocide-treated product may be treated with or contain one or more biocidal products to protect against infestation with microorganisms, insects or other harmful organisms. Such products must indicate their biocidal properties (for example, odour-inhibiting effect) as well as the name of the corresponding active substance (e.g. silver) in their product description. Examples of "treated goods" are sportswear with sweat protection or a keyboard with a germicidal coating.

CBD products

We don't offer any products with CBD through our shops.


Chemicals must be declared according to the Globally Harmonised System (GHS) labelling system. No products are accepted that are labelled according to a predecessor or other system. The import of chemicals not authorised in the EU is not permitted. Products in group 2 of chemicals are only carried in the assortment under strict scrutiny. It is therefore prohibited for the supplier to transfer products with the following H-phrases in combination with the respective hazard pictograms without further ado:

Energy efficiency

The following product categories are required by Directive 2010/30/EU to display the energy efficiency class, a corresponding energy label and a product data sheet:

  • Ovens

  • Cooker bonnets

  • Televisions and monitors

  • Dishwashers

  • Heating appliances

  • Coffee machines

  • Refrigerators and freezers

  • Lamps and luminaires (no product data sheet required)

  • Ventilation systems

  • Washing machines

  • Tumble dryers and washer-dryers


Currently no food on offer.

Food supplements

Currently no offer of food supplements.

Pyrotechnic articles

Galaxus does not sell pyrotechnic objects (fireworks).


Galaxus does not sell weapons. Furthermore, we reserve the right to exclude weapon-like items or dangerous items from our range for ethical reasons.


Due to the current regulations within the framework of the European Timber Regulation (EUTR), the enrichment of wood & paper products that fall under the EUTR with the following properties is mandatory:

  • Trade name of the wood

  • Origin of wood






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