The CMI (Company Management Interface) is used for manual order processing. Daily processing of open tasks within one business day is essential.
All open tasks are displayed on the welcome page:
If you have any questions about how to use the CMI, please contact your Category Development Manager.
New orders will be displayed on the welcome page under New Orders and an email will be sent with a direct link to the order.
New orders must be transferred to your own system and confirmed daily. In addition, the availability details must be checked and adjusted if necessary (see ADJUSTING ORDERS).
Order types
Depending on the order type, the following must be adhered to:
Warehouse delivery: Warehouse locations incl. notification.
Direct delivery: If a delivery note is to be enclosed (delivery note type = With delivery note), the sales order and the sales order reference must be printed on the delivery note
Expected delivery date
The following values are possible:
as fast as possible
as fast as possible, at the latest by XX.XX.XXXX
Exactly at XX.XX.XXXX
Please note the specified target warehouse in the upper section of the order
For direct delivery: customer information is to be treated confidentially and may not be used for advertising purposes
Orders with a delivery date should be processed immediately upon arrival of the goods
Confirmed orders can be found and opened using the order reference:
An Excel list of all open orders can be downloaded under "Orders" > "Item management" > "Not sent positions":
Delivery date updates
If the delivery date of a backlog is postponed, the new delivery date must be entered.
Cancellation / partial cancellation
If a product is no longer available, or no longer available in the ordered quantity, it must be canceled via the availability status cancel/unavailable.
Late orders
If the confirmed delivery date of an order is exceeded, a reminder is triggered by mail. In addition, the delayed order is listed on the welcome page.
The goods have not been shipped by you yet: Please ship these orders as soon as possible, set a new delivery date if necessary or cancel the order in case of unavailability.
The goods have already been shipped:
Direct delivery: Mark as shipped
Warehouse delivery: Mark the goods as "Sent on" and add a valid proof of delivery and the delivery bill.
Cancellation requests for unshipped order line items are displayed on the Welcome page and a mail is sent to CMI users. Alternatively, all unprocessed cancellation requests can be opened from the Cancellation Requests tab.
Accept cancellation requests
The order item is canceled and in this case must also be canceled in your own system.
Decline cancellation requests
The order position remains open.
As soon as orders/order items are ready for shipment and any tracking information is available, this must be entered in the CMI.
Any tracking numbers must be entered and the shipment recorded via "Record shipment".
Partial shipments
If only a partial quantity is ready for shipment, the quantity on the order item can be adjusted accordingly. After entering the shipment, the position is split automatically
If a difference between the quantity specified on the delivery bill and the delivered number of pieces is noticed during putaway, a message about an underdelivery is created in the CMI. Select whether you grant us a credit note or a subsequent delivery is initiated. For faster identification and processing, help us by entering additional information in the comment field: In the case of a credit note, for example, a credit note number, or in the case of a subsequent delivery, the delivery note reference.
By automating the order processing via EDI, manual steps in the CMI are omitted, depending on the degree of automation. In this case, please discuss the CMI handling with the responsible Integration Manager.
Order Placement (ORDP): Replaces the manual entry of orders in your system.
Order Response (ORDR): Replaces the confirmation of orders and, depending on the implementation, delivery date updates.
Supplier Cancel Notification (EOLN): Replaces the cancellation process
Cancel Request (CANP), Cancel Confirmation (CANR): Replaces the cancellation request and response in CMI
Dispatch Notification (DELR): Replaces the dispatch notification direct deliveries
Invoice (INVO): Replaces the transmission of the invoice via mail