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This page only applies to Digitec Galaxus AG partners.

3 How and where do I deliver my goods to?

Child pages (Children Display)page3 How and where do I deliver my goods to?

Within customs unions such as the EU, goods can be transported free of charge (no customs duties). However, Switzerland is not a member of the EU and is therefore considered a third country. As soon as you wish to send goods to a third country, you must declare them for customs purposes. To export the goods, you need an export customs declaration and an export invoice. If you are based in the EU, you must also have an EORI number.

Further information can be found at the following link: Economic Operators Registration Identification Number - EORI en

Unlike many other countries, Switzerland uses a so-called «specific duty/weight duty». This means that the duty is calculated based on weight, regardless of the value of the goods.

The import process involves customs and VAT costs on the one hand and various excise duties (beer, tobacco, mineral oils, etc.) on the other. In addition, there are other charges and fees (e.g. the monopoly fee on products containing alcohol, VOC incentive tax, etc.).

Depending on the Incoterm which Digitec Galaxus has negotiated with the supplier, either the consignor or the consignee must pay the fees or charges. In order to simplify the payment of these costs, most importing Swiss companies as well as all forwarding agents - and also most of the foreign companies with a Swiss fiscal representation, have a CSP account (Centralized Settlement Procedure). Digitec Galaxus AG has such an account. In order for your forwarder to be able to use the Digitec Galaxus CSP account, it is important that the export trade invoices are issued correctly, so that the mentioned costs can be charged directly through the CSP account and no additional cost or effort is required. To ensure this procedure, the export trade invoice address must always be Digitec Galaxus AG, Pfingstweidstrasse 60, 8005 Zurich. The delivery address remains Wohlen, Dintikon, or Roggwil.

Switzerland has negotiated free trade agreements within the framework of the EFTA and independently with some countries, including the EU.

The aim of the free trade agreements is to improve economic relations with partners worldwide. Customs duties and non-tariff trade barriers (e.g. technical regulations, packaging, and labeling regulations, import quotas) are to be reduced. It’s therefore important to check whether the goods to be exported are covered by the corresponding free trade agreement to ensure any preferential treatment (exemption or reduction of customs duties) when importing goods into Switzerland. However, the goods can only benefit from preferential treatment if they meet the origin requirements of the relevant agreement and a valid proof of origin is available. Proofs of origin are the movement certificates EUR1 and EUR-MED or EUR.1 CN or the declaration of origin on the invoice.

Link for suppliers from the EU: Export to third countries

Since Digitec Galaxus AG has a CSP account (Centralized Settlement Procedure), it’s important that the pro forma or commercial invoices are issued correctly, so that the mentioned costs can be charged directly through the CSP account and no additional work is required. To ensure this procedure, the proforma or commercial invoice address must be Digitec Galaxus AG, Pfingstweidstrasse 60, 8005 Zurich. The delivery address remains Wohlen, Dintikon, or Roggwil.

If you have any questions regarding customs clearance, please contact your forwarding agent. All well-known forwarding agents and parcel service providers have experience in exporting goods to Switzerland or to your local chamber of commerce. Our Supplier Management is also at your disposal for any questions you may have:

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