Excluded product types Marketplace Switzerland
List of excluded product types
Category A, B and D medicinal products
CBD products for ingestion
Group I chemicals in accordance with the REACH Regulation
Group II chemicals according to REACH without prior authorisation from Galaxus
CITES products
Articles containing melanin
Frog legs
Real fur
Genetically modified food
Pornographic media
Cultural goods
Products with peat
Plant protection products for professional users
Products with unproven or questionable effects (dietary supplements with absurd promises of effectiveness, pills to increase intelligence, stimulants, light glasses, etc.)
Foie gras
Products affected by the United States embargo
Sustainability requirements
Down: Only obtained from dead plucking
Egg components: Minimum standard barn farming or ban on cage farming
No sale of endangered fish species (e.g. in tinned food)
Sheep's wool with mulesing-free certification
Flowers and plants with GlobalGAP certificate